Predestination - This video will help settle the matter for you Biblically.
The Long Run - This video shows the importance of hanging in there until the end. He never said it would be easy, just worth it.
The Grand Illusion - This video breaks down what may be real and not so real in the way the general public is pushed in one direction or another.
Peace - This video gives the viewer the opportunity to explore peace and it's desired nature.
Deception Part I - The church has become unrecognizable. This video helps you understand why.
Deception Part II - This video continues the break down of the unrecognizable church.
Forgiveness - This video helps you understand why and how to forgive.
Fear - Fear is a real thing and can be paralyzing. This video helps the viewer discover answers.
Sorceries - The world's largest drug dealers are "legal" and this video helps explore just that.
Anger - This video helps get to the heart of anger and helps the viewer understand it more.
Trials And Tribulations - We all have them but do we understand them? This video helps the viewer look at them from a different perspective.
Loneliness - Even in the middle of crowd, one can still be lonely. This video can help the viewer understand the ins and outs of loneliness.
Why Laugh? - This video is just a compilation of joke telling preachers.
Prayer - The greatest weapon we have and it is rarely used. This video will help the viewer get a grasp of this powerful weapon.
Alcohol - This video takes a neutral stance and tries the pros and cons in a court type setting.
The End Game - Covid-19 was very unique and this video helps the viewer understand why.
Money - The one thing everyone stives for and needs to survive is broken down Biblically for the viewer to better understand it's place in their lives.
When This Is All Over - This was a poem written by Kelly Schexnayder during Covid-19 and we put it to music.
Death - This is the one thing you can be sure of and understanding it can help. This video will give the viewer insights to help in all aspects.
Fame - This video helps the viewer see all aspects of the old adage, "be careful what you wish for".
Why - We took a few of the most asked questions and made a video to help the viewer understand the answers just a little better.
God Is Great - This is just a condensed version of the Louis Giglio video that turned the world upside down.
Time - Understanding time is WAY different than one may think. This video helps the viewer understand what is really behind it.
Steven Furtick - This video is controversial in that one side says he is a heretic and the other a great preacher. Hopefully the viewer can understand that either way, leave him alone.
The Un-United Method Dust - This video explores the big break-up in the United Methodist denomination and will help the viewer understand it better.
Samhain (Halloween) - This video helps the viewer understand the origins and what is really behind this holiday.
The Gog Initiative - This video will help the viewer understand the world stage to come in war and what Russia is NOT.
The Mark Of The Beast - Nothing sends chills up the spine like this title. This video will help the viewer understand who REALLY is in charge.
The AntiChrist - This title has the same effect as the "mark". This video helps the viewer understand who he is and his purpose.
Easter/ A Visualization - Sometimes, seeing is better than hearing. This video does just that.
Mission Impossible - There are certain things that MUST have happened that make Christianity real and this video shows that they are IMPOSSIBLE. That makes it cool!
Christmas - The most beloved holiday is eons away from where it started. This video helps the viewer get back to their Christmas understanding.
Judas - This video helps the viewer understand the most hated man in history.
A Brief Survey Of Athanasius - This video helps the viewer understand the importance of this early church father.
W.A. Criswell - This video helps the viewer understand a little more about the greatest preacher of the 20th century.
Jesus - If the Bible is about Jesus, this video is the very condensed version of who He is.
James - Very few understand who James, Jesus' half brother, really was. This video helps the viewer understand the ins and outs of this man.
Proof - All the proof you need if you are truly seeking the Truth!
Heroes - Maybe we misunderstand what a hero is?
The Final Warning - Time is running out on freedom to worship!
Promises - This video is shown at our conferences.
An Offense - The gospel is offensive, but why?
Zoanthropy - Was Nebuchadnezzer really nuts?
Manifesto - What are college kids really taught?
Synagogue of Satan - God's chosen?
General Video Library
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